Q1: Do you ship internationally and how long will it take my purchase to arrive?
A1: Yes, we ship BonBons Cheveux Boutique products worldwide. Make sure you choose the country you are shipping to during the checkout process. International shipping usually takes up to 21 business days to be delivered depending on your country's customs process.
Q2: How will I know when my order has shipped?
A2: You will receive an email that will confirm your order and another when your order is shipped.
Q3: Will I get a tracking number when my order is shipped?
A3: Yes, the email you receive when your order is shipped contains your tracking information.
Q4: What materials are used in BonBons Cheveux Boutique bonnets?
A4: All BonBons Cheveux Boutique bonnets use 100% Charmeuse Satin. When other materials are used, it is mentioned in the description of the item.
Q5: What are the washing instructions for BCB products?
A5: Hand wash or machine wash on gentle cycle. Dry in a dryer using the delicate cycle. For our Hard Candy Bonnets, hand wash and air dry.
Q6: Can I order a bonnet without a bow?
A6: Yes, most of our bonnets come with the option of adding or removing the bow.
Q7: Is the bow affixed or can it be removed and tied differently?
A7: No, the bow is fixed and can not be removed from the bonnet. However, you can retie the bow if you prefer or if it comes undone.
Q8: What are the dimensions of your bonnets?
A8: All bonnets are designed to fit an average adult's or child's head. If you are unsure our bonnets will fit your head, please purchase a Drawstring BonBons Bonnet which will allow you to adjust the size of the bonnet.
Q9: Why doesn't my discount code work?
A9: Most discount codes have an expiration date and some require the purchase of a certain product or may require a certain amount to be purchased before the code can be used.
Q10: How do I get added to your mailing list?
A10: Go to our online store and click the link for the mailing list or click here.
Q11: Can I get a sample of your Hair Icing sent to me?
A11: No, we do not send samples of our products. Please purchase them instead.
Q12: How do I order in bulk or do you sell your products wholesale?
A12: Bulk orders and/or wholesale inquiries can be made by email.
Q13: How can I contact BCB by phone to make a purchase or ask a question?
A13: We currently only communicate through our online store or by email .
Q14: Can I get a custom BonBons Cheveux Boutique bonnet made?
A14: Depending on the request, yes! Contact us by email and let us know what you would like.
Q15: I can't find the BCB Bonnet I wanted. Do you still sell it?
A15: All BonBons Cheveux Boutique products are sold for a very limited time. There is no guarantee that a bonnet or product that was sold in the past will be sold again. So, please buy them immediately before they are sold out!
Q16: Can I suggest a bonnet or hair product for you to make?
A16: Absolutely! Send us an email with your suggestion.
Q17: My bonnet has lost its elasticity. Can it be fixed?
A17: Yes! Wash your bonnet. Oils from hair products and dirt can accumulate over time and make the elastic less effective. Washing the oils from your bonnet can return the elasticity back to the bonnet.
Q18: What are the washing instructions for BCB bonnets and products?
A18: Hand wash BonBons Cheveux Boutique bonnets and products with cold water and gentle soaps. A safe alternative for hand-washing is a sulfate-free shampoo. Lay out flat to dry or hang to dry without using clothespins. Do not twist or contort the bonnet while it is wet as this may cause hard wrinkles once dried.